About Pastor Paul and Family
Pastor Vennapu Paul is the founding Pastor of Jesus Grace Ministries based in Kakinada, State of Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.His wife Sis.Ruth and he was Blessed with two children elder son Sam Suresh and younger son Santosh Raj.
He was born in a Hindu high cast Family and God has called to Him to Preach the Good news of Jesus Christ!.God called Him through vision and word of God 2nd Thimothy 4:5.
He is doing Gods ministry among Hindu people by faith His activities are spreading the Gospel,winning souls,Church planting conduct crusades,Pastor seminars .and help to poor through medical camps and feed to poor and needy .
He is man of God ordained and anointed to Preach and teach the uncompromising word of God with passion and zeal. He ministers the living word of God with depths of wisdom and understanding that never leaves his hearers the same. Pastor Vennapu Paul is an innovative pastor with the God-given Anointing to keep his eyes focused on the heavens and both feet planted firmly on earth. He has been preaching God's uncompromising Word to the lost in many areas around in India and continues to do so.
His vision is to see souls saved and lives healed by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord. He is a dedicated and disciplined servant of God. Not only is he passionate about reaching the unsaved with the Gospel, he is particularly burdened to see that people are solidly rooted in Christ, fervent, and living a productive, fulfilling and victorious life to God's glory.
About Jesus Grace Ministries
THE “JESUS GRACE MINISTRIES” was registered under the Indian Societies Registration Act, 1860 in the year 1997 got registered with the Registrar of Societies (Regn.No.422/2001), East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. We are established Churches. It is Non-Political and Non-Profitable Voluntary Organization. The organization maintain 3 units in East Godavari, in the State of Andhra Pradesh, specially concentrating on promotion of Religion ism, Urban ism, coastal belts rural areas and tribal villages for poor and needy people.
THE MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE ORGANIZATION are to Promote the Christian ism in Rural areas and Villages, to educate people through awareness, income generation training camps, emphasis on self reliance and sustainability, social justice and also to eradicate poverty. To start education centers in rural areas for drop-out children, Non-formal education centers .

V . Sam
Secretary of JGM

Bro.Santosh Raj
Pas.Vennapu Paul

Founder & President
of Jesus Grace Ministries