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Pastor.Vennapu Paul,
Founder & President

D.no: 3-108,Sarapavaram,
Kakinada 533005,East Godavari District,
Andhra Pradesh,South India.
Mobile No : 91 - 9989797191,
Email ID : vennapupaul@gmail.com

We would like to hear from you.
Would you like us to pray for a particular need?
Would you like a visit from Pastor Vennapu Paul or one of the staff?
Please know God truly loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
Would you like to visit us?
Perhaps God has spoken to your heart and you don’t know how to respond.
Whatever your situation… we will do what we can to help you. We believe in the power of prayer.
We are the faithful ones who are committed to the coming kingdom of God and to extend His word to unreached places, according to the Lord's commission: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations ..." (Matthew 28:19)