Need of the project is to put roof

need to put roof

need to put roof

Greetings to all my brothers and sisters in CHRIST. The need of the ministry is to construct a roof above the church
A project of Hope to the poverty that looking for funds for 2 years and needs funding to complete its construction. The current need is to construct a concrete roof over the pillar u all see in the picture.
The purpose of this project to put a roof so that our ministry has a place where we can feed the children, provide more space for the sewing center, feed the widows. Currently, our ministry doesn't have a place or facility to do some of the charity programs like cooking food, put charity stuff. Once we complete the project I am sure that these places will be a Hope to the poor and will Glorify God's name.
Dear friends & family to complete the entire roof our ministry does need 14,000 (fourteen thousand dollars). Amazing work needs your help to be completed. Please do donate in how Gods leads you if you cannot give much u would donate 500$ or more towards this welfare project. Our ministry is desperately seeking for funds and to share the love of JESUS CHRIST to the poor and needy.